Monday, September 30, 2019
Writing and Science Fiction Writer
These two articles are similar in that they are both writing pieces by authors writing in first person about their books or writings. Amy Tan and Isaac Asimov are both writing about something specific about their writings. Amy Tan talks about how her experiences with her mother contributes to her writing and Isaac Asimov analyzes why he is a good science fiction writer and what it takes to be one. In the article Mother Tongue by Amy Tan, Amy writes about what it was like growing up with her mother's limited English. â€Å"because when I was growing up, my mother's ‘limited' English limited my perception of her. I was ashamed of her English. †(1) As the author implies in this passage and throughout the article, other people's perception of her mother affected her own perception of her. Amy had to pretend to be her mother a lot to professionals because they did not take her seriously or understand her. â€Å"When I was fifteen she used to have me call people n the phone and pretend it was her. In this guise, I was forced to ask for information or even to complain and yell at people who had been rude to her. †(2) Eventually, the author realizes that her mother and the experiences helped form her in to the writer she is today. Those Crazy Ideas by Isaac Asimov is about his fans asking him where he gets his crazy writing ideas. Isaac is a science fiction writer. He explains that to be a science fiction writer, you must possess as many â€Å"bits†(facts or information) as possible, you must be able to combine the â€Å"bits†well, and you must have intuition. (3) These two are articles are both written in first person. Although Isaac and Amy are writing about two totally different subjects, they are both relevant to being a writer. Those Crazy Ideas is more or less Isaac teaching people what it takes to be a good science fiction writer. He attempts to help people understand his thought process while writing and his take on creativity. He analyzes creativity itself. This article is has a more informational purpose than Mother Tongue; which is the first difference other than their subjects. Mother Tongue and Those Crazy Ideas are different in that they have different purposes. Mother Tongue, Amy Tan is sharing a personal story and relating it back to the way it affected her writing style and technique. His main purpose is sharing for understanding. We used a similar routine just five days ago, for a situation that was far less humorous. My mother had gone to the hospital for and appointment, to find out about a benign brain tumor a CAT scan had revealed a month ago. †(4) Isaac, in his article, is essentially answering the question â€Å"Where do you get your crazy ideas? †and is elaborating on that. He uses a lot of factual information and examples to prove his arguments about being a science fiction wr iter. â€Å"To begin with, in 1831, when Charles Darwin was twenty-two, he joined the crew of a ship called the Beagle. (5) The difference in Mother Tongue is that Amy does not use any hard facts but, instead, used her personal accounts to get her point across. These are two different styles of writing that partway has to do with the subjects their writings are about. In the end of their articles, Mother Tongue by Amy Tan and Those Crazy Ideas by Isaac Asimov, they both relate their articles back to something specific about the way that they write. In Amy Tans experience she learned to write in a way people would understand instead of trying to prove her good English by uses big intelligent words that the average person could not understand. Fortunately for reasons I won't get into today, I later decided to I should envision a reader for the stories I would write. And the reader I decided upon was my mother, because these were stories about mothers. So with this reader in mind-and in fact she did read my early drafts- I began using all the Englishes I grew up with: the English I spoke to my mother, which for lack of a better term might be described as ‘broken'; my translation of her Chinese, which could certainly be described as ‘watered down'; and what I imagined to be her translation of Chinese if she could speak in perfect English. (6) Isaac Asimov concludes his article, answering the question â€Å"Where do you get those crazy ideas? †with a blunt â€Å"I don't know. †He reiterates that we need to encourage scientific creativity and experiment more with creativity itself. â€Å"How, then, does one go about encouraging scientific creativity? For now than ever before in man’s history, we must; and the need will grow constantly in the future. †(7) â€Å"I don't know. Here, it seems to me, is where we need experimentation and perhaps a kind of creative breakthrough about creativity. Once we learn enough about the whole matter, who knows- I may even find out where I get those Crazy Ideas. †(8) In conclusion, the two articles, Mother Tongue by Amy Tan and Those Crazy Ideas by Isaac Asimov, are the same in that they are both in first person and both relate back to each author's writings somehow. They are different in that they are on different subjects; they have different purposes and different ways of getting their point across. Amy uses her personal experiences and Isaac uses hard facts. Bibliography Asimov, Isaac. Those Crazy Ideas Tan, Amy. Mother Tongue ? Works Cited (1)Tan, Amy. Mother Tongue pg. 87 paragraph 9 (2)Tan, Amy. Mother Tongue pg. 87 paragraph 10 (3)Asimov, Isaac. Those Crazy Ideas pg. 145 paragraph 28 (4)Tan, Amy. Mother Tongue pg. 86 paragraph 4 (5)Asimov, Isaac. Those Crazy Ideas pg. 143 paragraph 9 (6)Tan, Amy. Mother Tongue pg. 90 paragraph 21 (7)Asimov, Isaac. Those Crazy Ideas pg. 150 paragraph 81 (8)Asimov, Isaac. Those Crazy Ideas pg. 151 paragraph 91
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Education and Louisiana Content Standards Essay
The word comes from the Latin word currere which means the course to be run. It contains the courses of study that a student has to complete successfully to obtain a degree certifying competence. (It is the What and Instruction is the How) In K-12 schools, it also contains the standards and benchmarks for each of the courses of study. Students must successfully complete the benchmarks in order to complete the course. In this new age, those benchmarks are measured by the Louisiana Educational Assessment Plan (LEAP). During the 1920s, the definition of curriculum as school experiences was developed by progressive educators to emphasize the quality of experiences. What children learn in school is wider than what goes on in the classrooms. It includes experiences in hallways, the cafeteria, playground, etc. These experiences cannot be separated from the responsibility of educators. There are five types of curriculum: FORMAL- The formal curriculum is the intended curriculum, explicit, overt, and written. It includes the planned and advertised menu of courses, the content of those courses, the catalog descriptions, and the regular public activities included in those courses. You will find this in the Louisiana Content Standards and Benchmarks and the Grade Level Expectations (GLEs). INFORMAL-The informal curriculum is also intended, but not explicit or written. This includes such things as citizenship, manners, and social skills and is influenced by the teacher and his or her educational philosophy. It is reflected in the classroom and is often found in the rules and procedures that a teacher implements. It is also evident in the methodologies chosen by a teacher. For example, I have a strong belief in learning styles; therefore, in face-to-face classrooms, I include a lot of hands-on activities for students to participate and engage in. Also, I include activities that involve lots of student interaction. HIDDEN- The hidden curriculum is the covert, or implicit, implied by the very structure of the school buildings. It is learned by exposure of living in the environment. It is characterized by the reward systems, physical plan of the school, furniture arrangement, etc. When you look at a school, is there a trophy case for sporting events, but not academics? Are classes dismissed every Friday, 6th or 7th period, for a pep rally? If so, that school would value athletics over academics. As you look at the structure of the school, is there a computer room, or is technology eviden t in every classroom? Are teachers allowed to attend professional development activities during the school day? All these things will provide information about the hidden curriculum of the school. Hidden curriculum is researched by critical theorists. NULL-The null curriculum is what is left out, not attended to, or taught. What is missing from your school, or even the Louisiana Content Standards and Benchmarks? Does the school embrace diversity, or just say it does? EXTRA-The extra-curriculum includes those activities that are structured by the teachers and administration. If a school has a football team, a basketball team, track team (etc.) but no history club, Spanish club, math club (etc. ), one might infer that athletics are valued more than academics. If the school has a basketball team and track team and also has National Honor Society, Future Farmers of America, (etc. ), one would infer that all learnings are valued. What is the relationship between Formal Curriculum and Hidden Curriculum? What is the relationship between Formal Curriculum and Informal Curriculum? How do all forms of c urriculum relate to each other curriculum?
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Theory to Marketing 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Theory to Marketing 2 - Assignment Example Pick a brand like Chobani for instance, which advertises yogurt. I feel that such, when strategically advertised, could attract many customers to a company, which sells yogurt (Sorenson, 2012). A company such as Alpenrose Dairy could benefit substantially from this brand. The Chobani brand is attractive, which could bring a lot of customers to the market. I would encourage Alpenrose Dairy to use this brand all over the renowned social media sites such as facebook and twitter to market their dairy products, yogurt in particular. Market researchers also advise that, in order to the get people to buy your products, companies should make sure that their brand image is put on the covering of the product before it is sold (Sorenson, 2012). Since the Chobani brand is such a strong brand, many people will want to buy the product in order to be associated with it. Finally, I would advise Alpenrose Dairy to market the Chobani brand in other places like television advertisements, in order for their products to cover a wide geographical
Friday, September 27, 2019
Personal Statement for Transferring to UC Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
For Transferring to UC - Personal Statement Example Economics doesn’t only teach to make distinction between better choice rotating around only investments and interest rates, it gives ideas about how a person can perk up his/her living standard. I appreciate that if we understand knowledge of economics it better gives idea of where to invest and what good a person can do with his/her money (Wessels). Moreover, Economics not just deals with monopoly, economy growth, and pollution etc., it is also related to personal problems such as wages, the cost of living, taxes, and employment. It deals with current vital problems of the society. The content of Economics is complementary to many other fields. Students enrolled in Economics major are not just restricted to Economics; they can choose other subjects as a minor along with Economics. Students have successfully combine Economics with other diverse fields such as Psychology, Journalism, Political Science, and many more. An economic option opens future options to students. I may gain expertise for my career in Educational Administration, Finance and Banking or Politics. My interest in Economics also developed due to my father’s occupation. He is an admirable man who works for the China Council for the promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) at the position of Vice Inspector. My father’s way of working and dealing with different issues prudently shows his uniqueness and good logic sense. Through his unique visions I learned a lot from him. He always shared his vast knowledge of Economics with me, which developed my curiosity and concern to know more about Economics. Fortunately in 2010, I acquire chance to work at China Council for the Promotion of International Trade as an internee during my semester break. During my internship, I got to learn much more new aspects about Economics and how it is related to the promotion of international trade. I learned how to work practically and
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Entrepreneurship - Essay Example The entire process of investigating demand and supply patterns of given product in a given business environment, and establishment of businesses to address the potential and existing demand entails the process of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship refers to the act of collecting and incorporating business ideas aimed at achieving purposeful and unique innovation in the production of a given product or service (Carsrud and Malin 7). Innovation in the context of entrepreneurship may result in various advantages such as introducing new or improved product in the market, new production techniques, and identification of newer markets for a product or service as well as identifying new source of supply of raw materials. It is imperative to understand that entrepreneurship is not only about starting of new business organization, but can also involve ideas to improve the state and performance of an existing organization. Importance of Entrepreneurship to America Entrepreneurship is a powerfu l tool for economic growth in any country. It is because of entrepreneurship and presence of globally acclaimed entrepreneurs that the American nation tops the list of world’s best performing economies. ... Since entrepreneurship involves creation and introduction of new ideas, it has helped the development of research and innovation in the American economy. About two out of three innovations in America are as result of entrepreneurship. These innovations have eased production processes while improving the quality of products, accomplishments that have collectively spurred the growth rate of the American economy (Bordogna 13). Since entrepreneurship entails creation of new opportunities, it has empowered and facilitated the development and growth of national wealth (Miller). Income earned by entrepreneurs and their employees has expanded public expenditure as people purchase raw materials and finished products of entrepreneurship, encouraging national production. Bordogna adds that entrepreneurship has helped in providing self sufficiency to the American populace as people can afford and easily find what they need for their consumption (13). Self –sufficiency in the American econ omy also relates to increased local production of goods and services that ensure cheap and affordable prices for goods and services. Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurs are individuals with the brains bearing or capacity to exhibit entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurs identify business opportunities, gather and collect ideas that they use to establish businesses or improve state of particular firm. For entrepreneurs to emerge successful in implementing their ideas, they have to exhibit or posses particular characteristics. Unique ambition is one of the defining characteristics required of an entrepreneur. Ambition helps entrepreneurs to face the potential competition in the given industry with aims on achieving the desired goals (Gitman and Carl 14). Entrepreneurs are
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Scots Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Scots Law - Essay Example When the company delegated a duty to Fergus, which was an expansion program, it did not examine that Fergus would have undergone various challenges. In addition, the company did not consider the potential benefits that would have come out of each customer. According to the tenements act 2004, the company should always have the capacity to cater for relevant costs (Scotland 2004, p.9). These are costs that result out of reasonable transactions or dealings between the company and a second party. This is irrespective of whether the costs were catered for in the initial budget. The first argument is that, as a sales person, Fergus might have been marketing Ikant. This exists in the view that the company bears social responsibility over his customers and the general society. Marketing and advertisement are factors that have been proven to impact immensely over a company’s revenues and expansion. This, thus, makes the extra costs that Fergus incurred probable in the company’s rational planning. Another reason for the extra costs might have been a possible unwillingness by customers to engage in a meaningful interaction with Fergus. This would have necessitated that he uses the meals as a basis for the interaction. In concluding this, if the company incurred expenses, in the period stipulated, then it is bound to pay for the costs. In addition, the company would be held liable for payment if the court regards the nature of relationship between the company and Fergus. Fergus is a supervisor in Ikant and has been appointed temporarily to aid the company in enlarging its business. In this capacity, he performs the functions on behalf of the directors. This is called the law of agency. He is engaged in an employment bond with the company. He is, thus, said to have acted in good intentions for the company. Even, if he had wrong intentions, it would be difficult to prove that he had wrong intent. Furthermore, the work given by the company to Fergus does not am ount to delegation. It is appropriately described as an assignment. The directors did not, therefore, describe Fergus’s role aptly. According to the quantum meruit rule, the company is entitled to pay on the basis that the restaurant has already performed its role (Scottish law commission 2000). Advising Ikant on problem B In our second problem, a complexity arises between the directors and Fergus concerning the Scottish contract law. It is noted that Fergus normally travels to promote Ikant’s products and receive orders. The court can, therefore, easily establish that Fergus has been consistently undertaking this duty for some time. Fergus, consequently, engages the company in a form of contract. Fergus, in this capacity, is deemed able to represent the company in a valid contract. According to the Contract Act of third Parties of 1999, this is recognizable legally (Ashton 2003, p.29). The company law recognizes that companies should still have physical representation despite the arbitrary nature of the board of directors. If the court establishes that Fergus acted in good faith, then the company is bound to the contract. However, according the delegation rule, the directors shall still be responsible for a breach of contract since Fergus is conducting a role that they ought to perform. In addition, company will gain rescission, if only it was stated in the contract. The contract, in this case, must comply with
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Engineering electrical circuits and bernoulli science Assignment
Engineering electrical circuits and bernoulli science - Assignment Example For the fluid moving at a steady rate within the pipe, there is a constant mass flow throughout the pipe expressing the mass conservation. For non compressible fluid, the density remains constant; hence the volume flow is also constant in the pipe for all liquids and gases at low pressure. The continuity (velocity * area) also remains constant in the whole pipe. This equation is presented as shown below: Pressure energy is computed as the quantity of the fluid flowing. This is the product between the cross-sectional area and the speed of flow. The quantity is constant. Therefore, the energy is calculated as Laminar streamline / flow) takes place whenever a fluid moves in the pipe in parallel layers without any disruption. When the fluid flows in closed pipes, it produces two flows depending on the depending on its speed and viscosity. This is referred to as the laminar or turbulent flow. Figure 1 above shows laminar flow while figure 2 above shows turbulent flows. Bernoullis equation is produced on the basis of an energy balance within the fluid. The amount of energy within the fluid is constant at any point within the system (energy conservation). However, it is redistributed while the fluid moves through the system. Pressure energy calculated as the fluid pressure at any point depending on external pressure together with the pressure from the head of the liquid calculated from head * density * gravitational acceleration. Therefore Pressure energy P is calculated as: Adequate pressure supply is distributed to each floor by use of a constant volume control system. The outlet is an upper pipe referred to as the supply line, which carries the flow of fluids at a speed of 4m / s and a pressure of 2 Bars. The pipe carries the fluid to the top of the building from where the fluids flow through gravitational pull. Each floor level is 2.5m high slab to slab for the 22 floors. At the
Monday, September 23, 2019
G-Star Visual Merchandising Store Directive Essay
G-Star Visual Merchandising Store Directive - Essay Example Geographic Segmentation†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...4 SWOT Analysis †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..4 Designers †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 Trends and Fashion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..6 Visual Merchandising...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...6 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â ‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..10 Executive Summary Christmas season is considered to be the busiest season in terms of shopping. Bardot Retail Store of garments and clothing has planned to launch a new range of designer collection under the brand name of G-Star especially for Christmas season. This collection encompasses products such as apparels, accessories, shoes and other related items for men, women and children. The launch is being commenced particularly for the season of Christmas and will be off in other seasons. By doing the cost-benefit analysis, it is expected that like all previous subdivisions and clothing lines of Bardot, G-star will also prove to be a successful retail business in the fashion industry. It is catering not only current market but is also pre-planned of tapping into the future generation’s choice. ... The store will serve both adults and young. Fresh and new collection prepared and organized by renowned designers will be exhibited. G-star is pursuing for established clothing line business, striving to give tough competition to other retail clothing stores. In addition to local consumers, tourists will also be benefited by the wide variety of garments offered by G-star. Urban clothing line has always been of great interest to consumers and they never hesitate in buying and trying new style of clothes. Target Market Target Market for G-star Apparel brand is selected on the basis of demographic, psychographic, behavioral and geographic features. Normally, in the season of Christmas there comes no major classification of target market as Christmas is an equal opportunity to celebrate for everyone especially in European countries. Further description of target market is given in the subsequent paragraphs i. Demographic Segmentation Demographics cover the variables such as income, gende r, age group, occupation etc. G-star is mainly focusing people who come from an average income group. Individuals who can afford to spend 20% of their income on clothing, accessorizing and personal care are selected as the primary target market. Both the gender, male and female will be part of selected target market. Age groupings that are mainly focused consist of age bracket of 15 to 40 years in order to cater the maximum number of customers. However, special segment of kids’ garments will also be available under this brand. Demographics also cover the type of occupation of the potential customers. This section is covered under the head of income level. ii. Psychographic Segmentation Psychographic segmentation is based upon the psychological aspects
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Interview Assignment- Relating to Autism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Interview Assignment- Relating to Autism - Essay Example Why physical therapy for autism, an apparently mental condition? The physical therapist I interviewed noted that the Cartesian mind-body dualism is the root of the misconception that physical illnesses need physical approaches to heal and mental illnesses need the same. Autism is defined as a pervasive developmental disorder: Development is delayed and impaired in many areas, including motor skills both gross and fine. Physical therapy helps autistics develop those skills and reduce the gap between them and the outside world in this fashion. Further, the physical therapist I interviewed found that above the strictly clinical benefits, physical therapy is really useful for autistics because it gets them out of the house, gives them something to do that helps them manage all the sensations and focus their perception, and makes them feel more normal. Training autistics with physical therapy can help them participate in normative social experiences like sports: This is especially importa nt for child autistics, who will find it easier to connect with their peer groups by skipping, playing jump rope or hopskotch, or playing in ball games. The occupational therapist I interviewed argued that occupational therapy was basically the mental flipside of the physical therapy.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Major Problem of teenagers today Essay Example for Free
Major Problem of teenagers today Essay Evangeline Pilar Beed II-B Informative Speech Plan Title: Major Problem of teenagers today. Specific Speech Purpose: To inform my engl.III audience what are the major problems of teenagers today. Statement: There are 5 major problems of teenagers today. Introduction I. .Attention Step: are you one of the teenagers who have a problem? You may program for it! In connection with this, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about the recent finding on the major problem of the teenagers today. Read more: Speech about youth generation essay II. Clarification Step: Body I. Internet and Gaming Addiction a. Younger generations, unlike their parents generations, often socialize, hang out, and communicate online, rather than in person. They prefer to text rather than talk on the phone, and often prefer to socialize on Twitter or Facebook rather than in the local bar, on the street or at the town square. b. The digital divide: The younger generation has been referred to as being one of Digital Natives while the older generation has been referred to as one of Digital Immigrants. c. Unlike the older generation, young people are highly capable of effective multitasking, which is sometimes seen by the older generation as a lack of attention and focus. d. Some young people spend much too much time in front of a computer screen, spending up to 20 hours a day, seven days a week. e. Spending countless hours a day, every day, on gaming or perusing the Internet can interfere with young peoples emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual development. II. Violence In Media a. T.V. influences behavior. If it didnt, Nike, Budweiser, Pepsi, etc. would not invest billions of dollars in advertisements. b. Violence on T.V. occurs in most programs and even more so, in cartoons. III. Bullying Online and At School a. Bullying is an ongoing pattern of harassment and abuse. It can be done directly by physical or verbal attacks or indirectly by exclusion, spreading rumors, etc. b. Cyberbullying is a growing problem among Middle and High School aged students. While it also occurs among College-aged students, for the most part young people have matured past cyberbullying at that point c. Bullies seek power through aggression and direct their attacks at vulnerable victims. In-person bullies often lose their popularity in high school and have a high likelihood of having a criminal record as adults. IV. Violent Culture a. There is a direct link between the way in which we use power with our children, our significant others, our neighbors and our environment and what we teach our children about violence. b. Cultures in which young children regularly receive loving touch have lower incidents of violent crimes. V. Violence At Home a. One of the main reasons that children become violent is because they are exposed to violence in their own homes, whether it is directed towards them or towards others. b. Violence at home can be of a physical nature, or it can be expressed verbally or through neglect and abandonment. Abusive homes and violent neighborhoods are stronger predictors of adult violent behavior than violence in the media. Most abusive parents were physically or sexually abused as children.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Evolution Of The Contemporary World System Politics Essay
Evolution Of The Contemporary World System Politics Essay Together, all international actors and their interactions with one another form an international system (Papp, 2002). Ironically, international system itself is also a very important body that greatly influences the behaviors and interactions of its creators, especially the states. There is no single global system that dominates the history of mankind. This system always evolves as the realm of power shifts together with the changing in the way that power is demonstrated. Remarkably, the 20th and the early 21st centuries have been a very dynamic period when there were frequent fundamental changes in world politics and international system. The beginning of the 20th century, when states were still the solely crucial players, global affairs were under the Balance of Power System. This system came to an end together with the breakout of the World War I when the perception of balance of power was absent in the mind of state actors. Central power, namely German and Austria-Hungry, attacked the Allied countries consisting of France, Belgium, Serbia and others (Keylor, 2008). After the war, a new but short-lived system emerged, international collective security. Again this ineffective system ended in global conflict, the World War II (Papp, 2002). It was the failure of the League of Nations when Britain and France ignored the German invasion of Poland. Following the horrifying and destructive war, Bipolar System made its appearance in world politics. The new system in which two super powers competed and dominated the international arena. By this time the world has already experienced the terror of nuclear weapon as two bombs were tested and demonstrated in Japan to conclude the war. Some arguments believe that this weapon of mass destruction also did contribute significantly in preventing direct war between the U.S. and USSR, the war that could inevitably end the world as we know today. However, the effect of cold war between the two giants on smaller countries around the world still can be seen as bloody as the wars that came before it. Civil wars and proxy wars in Cambodia, Vietnam, Angola, Afghanistan, Korea peninsular and many other conflicts erupted with the two dominant ideologies acting behind the scene. This bipolar system was the main characteristic of the international affairs until the demise of Soviet Union at the end of 1991 that marked the official conclusion of bipolar world. From then, according to Charles Krauthammer, the United States is now the unchallenged power supported by its Western allies (Krauthammer, 2002). Therefore, the international system now becomes unipolar. Political an d economic powers are the two most important variables in determining the strength of one state. With nuclear warhead and other advanced military technology, naturally, the United States gained significant amount of political power in international arena. More importantly, the U.S. is the world largest single economy thanks to its annum GDP worth of over 10 trillion dollars , more than one-sixth of world GDP (World development indicators, 2010). However, this claim did not address a number of fundamental changes happened even before the bipolar system ended. From the second half of the 20th century, there have been many remarkably and extremely important trends in global politics as well as the international structure. The emergence of nonalignment movement creates the single and stronger voice for the weak and poor states to bargain with the rich and powerful states, especially in the UN General Assembly. It was seen as the North-South conflict. The rise of China, India, and Brazil in their economic and political power is questioning the dominant power and unilateralism of the U.S. in international affairs. For instance, the Chinese economic miracle from the 1970s has put the concrete role of China in global political arena again. China has been busy in advancing its military capability and inserting power and influence globally. The presence of Chinese investment in African sub-continent is the clear manifestation of Sino- expansion going global. From economic perspective, China is building up its economic empire, the process that requires a lot of resources from Africa; nevertheless, looking from political perspective, Africa holds about one-fourth of the UN General Assembly seats. Using power capital in Africa and other area, China can easily control the voting result at the UN. In addition, there are also other emergence of former powers as well such as Japan and Germany. Despite both countries still have limited military capacity in international arena, but as the third largest economy, Japan, and world biggest exporter, Germany, the two giant economic powers are also trying to increase their influences in world politics. As we can see that they have maintain the seat in the United Nation Security Council by using economic power such as bilateral aid. New international actors such as Intergovernmental Organizations like the UN and NATO, regional grouping, the EU and ASEAN, and other International Nongovernmental Organizations like the ILO are also increasing their role in changing the world stage. States cooperate through those INGOs. For instance, through ASEAN, the countries in Southeast Asia are trying to limit the influences of great powers in their region. Even though it has not become powerful enough to achieve all it goal and objective, it surely has change the way in which international relations operate especially for the U.S. when it deals with the countries in Southeast Asia. More importantly, the increasing power of Multinational Corporations and private power capital make the international affairs even more complex because those actors even have great influence in many domestic political affairs of many countries especially the developing countries, but their intention and goal are sole profit, which are so different from the state actor. Advancement of technology, communication, and transportation has helped the transnational social movement possible. From the woman rights groups to environmental advocators, they actively involve in world politics. All of these changes and new actors have made the international system even more complex and complicated with so many level and facets. Understanding this contemporary state of affairs is extremely important for all actors to achieve their survival, goal, and objective. It is even more extremely significant for an actor like a weak state since it is the most vulnerable and sensitive to the decisions made in global affairs and world politics. Cambodia was small and vulnerable country. During French colonial period, Cambodia was isolated from international politics for most of the time; however, at independence, this country faced its most critical challenge that was to survive and prosper in the arena of international political system. Unfortunately, the world politics at that time was not really a peaceful period especially for a newly independent country that has not established strong and stable political system not to mention other wide range of internal problems like economic underdevelopment, unemployment and poverty. Stuck in the middle of cold war between two super powers, the U.S. and USSR, Cambodia understood very clearly that it has no choice but to play its part in the political game of bipolar system. Cambodia started to develop good relation with U.S. and received a lot of aids for its economic development. It also tried not to confront directly with the increasing-power communism. However, things changed ra pidly when the Vietnam War started to spill over Cambodia. Prince Sihanouk cut off relations with the U.S. in 1965 in regard with U.S. bombing in the kingdom and the increase influence of American in Cambodia armed forces (Lum, 2007). This move has put Prince Sihanouk in critical position for the U.S. Despite relation was restored in 1969, the coup led by Lon Nol and backed by the U.S. put a new government in Phnom Penh (Sophat, 2010). This marked the point of deep internal breach between Cambodians who supported Lon Nols regime and those who love the former one. The 30-year civil war began. New government officially declared war against communist Vietnam to please the U.S. However, Lon Nol not only fought the North Vietnam but he also has to deal with Pol Pot, a rapidly increasing Cambodian guerrilla forces supported by communist Vietnam. Then in 1975, the Phnom Penh government collapsed and replaced by Khmer Rouge. Despite the killing in the country, this regime lasted until 1979 when the Vietnam launched full-scaled military attack against Pol Pots regime. After the regime was forced out of power, Cambodia was still struggling in civil war having three fractions backed by different foreign actors fighting along the north and western borders. Khmer Rouge supported by China, and the free Khmer groups gained the support from the U.S. Inside the country, new government has aligned itself with the East block, which was Soviet Union, and maintained a very close relation with Vietnam. The situation more or less remained hostile for another decade. The dark age of Cambodia on ly came into an end in 1993, the election led by the UN has helped unified the country again once again in a very long time. Khmer Rouge was still fighting, but without any support from outside powers, its role was not significant anymore. The history gives one invaluable lesson for Cambodia: to deal with foreign power carefully and be friend with all of them. Cambodia After the 1993 UN-backed election, as small and developing country, Cambodia turned around its foreign policy and welcomed the world for friendship, diplomatic relations, and cooperation. Cambodia has been perusing a very friendly foreign policy with its neighbors, other ASEAN states as well as world great and super powers. Close ties with the West were also soon established. In 1995 and 1995, the United States and Japan agreed to increase foreign aid and investment in Cambodia. Then in 1997, the military conflict between the two ruling political parties resulted in the prolonging of Cambodia admission into ASEAN and the termination of Western aid and investment. Cambodia again turned to Chinese both economic and political support. Having only China as friend is not the best option, Cambodia needed to make as many friends as possible including the West. So the new democratic election was organized in 1998 to please the Western states. The situation started to recover after the formation of coalition government in 1998. Relations with the West resumed. The European Union and Japan announced the reestablishment of economic link with the Kingdom again. In May 1999, finally, Cambodia was officially accepted as the latest member of ASEAN. This has opened way and opportunity for Cambodia to fully engage in regional economic and political conferences. The same year in June, there was a visit by Vietnamese Communist Party officials, and the two countries agreed to end border disputes. However, the tension between Cambodia and Thailand continued. Though the relation was still remain calm until an incident when rioters burned the Thai embassy and several Thai companies operating in Phnom Penh on 29th June, 2003 (Cambodia Foreign policy, 2003). Later the situation was controlled, and after the compensation was paid to Thailand side, the relations between the two countries were normalized. Until 2008, a new conflict erupted over the Preah Vihear Temple and border dispute. As a weaker and smaller country, Cambodia sought multilateral negotiation to settle the problem. Trying to send the case to the UN and ASEAN, the efforts were unsuccessful because Thailand is the close ally with the U.S., which is a member of the UN Security Council and holds veto power. Even worse, Thailand was in its term as the chairman of ASEAN. Cambodias relations with southern neighbor, Vietnam, have been complex but have gradually improved since the 1993 UN-sponsored election. Though, it is a very sensitive over the border issues between the tow countries. In late 2005 both sides ratified the Supplementary Treaty to the 1985 Treaty on the Delimitation of the State Border between Cambodia and Vietnam (Cambodia Foreign Relations, 2009). The planting of border markers began 2006 and are expected to be concluded by late 2008 On economic area, Cambodia experienced rapid growth of over a decade. Cambodia has liberalized its market. It welcomes foreign investment and promotes trade regionally and globally. In 2004, Cambodia also became the member of the WTO. Recognizing the importance of non-state actors, Cambodia also welcomes many of them in building the country. Cambodia is a member the International Monetary Fund (IMF), International Labor Organization (ILO), the World Health Organization (WTO) and the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). Civil society has growth rapidly inside the country like Trade Union. The presence of MNC like KFC and other companies is the manifestation of fast growing economy and cultural and social integration to the outside world. Comparing to the past, the current international system is surely better and much more peaceful for Cambodia. To some extent, Cambodia can make a lot of decisions that benefit itself. Almost half a century and before 20 years ago, Cambodia was stuck in the middle of the Cold War, much of its decision was determined by the condition of that time international system. The game played by great powers now seems much more peaceful for Cambodia. Even China, as cited by Chinese official, see that Cambodian enjoy peace process is the example of the benefits of increased cooperation between the US and China (Cambodia slammed in the latest Wikileak Cables, 2010). Being friend with the major powers is the hard lesson Cambodia learn from the past when the country was divided into many fragments fighting internally. Each fraction was supported by different external players. Not only state actor, Cambodia also sees a lot of opportunity with the non-state actors. While listening to the INGOs and NGOs and gaining aids and support form them, the country seems very sensitive to any critics raised by those actors. Cambodia also seems to be more focus on economic policy for the countries development as a whole. Enjoying the peace with the remarkable economic growth for the last decade or so, the future of the Kingdom looks very promising. However, the dynamic of international arena is very certain. The rise of China power in global politics as well in region, even without apparent concern, Cambodia surely comprehends. Despite Cambodia seems to be enjoying internal sovereignty, Cambodia external action is still very limited by the fact that it is a small size with little population, and the governments budget is still rely on external loan and aid. While internal political landscape is changing, what Cambodia can do for now may just try to strengthen its intern al capability and hope that the current situation will last a bit longer.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Stranger and The Guest Essays -- Character Analysis, Daru, Meursau
French playwright Albert Camus once said, â€Å"Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal.†In The Stranger and The Guest the overarching theme that those who do not conform to typical societal values and do not adequately relate to others are appraised as a threat to society as a whole. In both works the protagonists isolate themselves, and society isolates them because of their non-conforming beliefs. Both Daru and Meursault are not able to accept the abstract ideals of society, and prefer isolation. For them relating to the physical world is much easier to relate to because it is concrete and definite, rather than the ambiguity of the moral ideals held by society. As a result of this objection to society they become indifferent and detached from societal expectations, intern this allows both protagonists to defy the rules of society, and expunge their innate flaws. In the Guest, Daru constantly observes the landscape, especially the sun and the snow on the rocky, empty plateau. Daru discusses the burning of the sun â€Å"the earth shriveled up little by little, literally scorched every stone bursting into dust under one’s foot†(Guest 304). Despite the debilitating drought, followed by unhelpful snow around home, Daru does not complain, but instead observes and respects the landscape for being his only home. Daru does not associate his home with family or friends, rather with the physical qualities of it. The schoolmaster is like â€Å"a monk in his remote schoolhouse, nonetheless satisfied with the little he had and with the rough life†(Guest 304). Even though he is isolated and lives in a secluded area, he enjoys the quiet and solitude in which he is liberated from being at a close proximity to s... ...ecause he believes that society’s laws are flawed. Meursault and Daru are both considered outsiders of society because they are not able to understand the other characters in the story. This is because each character represents an aspect of society, like Balducci in the Guest, and everyone in the courtroom in The Stranger represents the law and justice system. Camus uses the actions and words of seemingly unimportant characters to allude to the flaws and problems of society. In both works of Camus, the protagonists view the other characters in the story from an outsider view, allowing for a new perspective in which society and its problems can be assessed by the reader. By making the protagonists detached from society, one can truly see the underlying issues within society. That is why the isolation and alienation of Meursault and Daru are crucial in Camus’ works.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Effects of Television Violence on Children and Teenagers :: essays research papers fc
Effects of Television Violence on Children and Teenagers Does violence on television have a negative effect on children and teenagers? The violence shown on television has a surprisingly negative effect. Television violence causes children and teenagers to become less caring, to lose their inhibitions, to become less sensitive, and also may cause violent and aggressive behavior. Television violence causes children and teenagers to be less caring, to lose their inhibitions, and to be less sensitive. In a study on the connection between violence and television done with 1,565 teenage boys over a six-year period in London, William Belson, a British psychologist, found that every time a child saw someone being shot or killed on television they became less caring towards other people (Kinnear 26). William Belson also discovered that every time a child viewed this violence on television, they lost a fragment of their inhibitions towards others (Kinnear 26). In addition to William Belson’s study, studies done by many scientists and doctors show that seeing violence on television causes viewers to become less sensitive to the pain of others (Mudore 1). Furthermore, television violence causes aggressive behavior in children. Many people believe that children who watch violent television programs exhibit more aggressive behavior than that exhibited by children who do not (Kinnear 23). According to the results of many studies and reports, violence on television can lead to aggressive behavior in children (Langone 50). Also, when television was introduced into a community of children for the first time, researchers observed a rise in the level of physical and verbal aggression among these children (Langone 51). The more television violence viewed by a child, the more aggressive the child is (â€Å"Children†1). Television violence is also a cause of both violent and aggressive behavior in teenage boys. According to the evidence in a study done by Turner, Hesse, and Peterson-Lewis, it was concluded that watching television violence had a long-term increase in aggression in boys (Hough 1). In addition to this study, Dr. William A. Belson evaluated fifteen hundred boys, aged thirteen to sixteen years, and he determined that boys with heavy television exposure are more likely to commit violent acts than other boys (Langone 51). In Belson’s study, he discovered that the effect of each violent act on television was collective, and over time, Belson discovered that the boys engaged in many aggressive acts, including painting graffiti, breaking windows, aggressive play, swearing, and threatening other boys with violence (Kinnear 26).
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
The Confusion Over Cyberpunk Essay -- Science Fiction Technology Essay
The Confusion Over Cyberpunk What the media associates with cyberpunk does not agree with the commonly accepted interpretation of the movement. The cyberpunk writers' philosophies of a bleak future, caused by the marriage of technical and human abilities, have been lost due to the acceptance of the underground movement. Whenever anyone looks at the newborn information age, one can not help but attach a "cyber" label to it. When anyone mentions the Internet or the World Wide Web, the only word that comes to mind is "cyberspace." Even though our networks are not synonymous with the "cyberspace" created by William Gibson in Neuromancer, the term is now being used to describe any virtual computer environment. It seems that the current acceptance of computers has started a revolution in which man is becoming dependent upon machines. Where can you go without having access to a television or telephone? The widespread use of microprocessors and the data stored on them have created a new medium for artists to demonstrate their abilities. One problem this computer revolution creates is that it is often confused with cyberpunk fiction. On February 8, 1993, Time magazine published an article defining and clarifying questions of the cyberpunk movement. The conventionalization of cyberpunk (CP for short) has succeeded in removing the ideals and philosophies once associated with it. Rudy Rucker states that CP is "simply the fusion of humans and machines (Elmer-Dewitt 59)." However, CP is about much more than that: it is about the struggle between man and its creation, the probing of the human soul, and the rebellion against tradition. CP started as a group of writers eager to oppose conventional beliefs and writing styles. The movement ... ...ment alone opposes the fact that the CP movement is countercultural and always stands away from the mainstream. The newly formed definition is rapidly replacing the true CP movement. Eventually, all interactive technologies ranging from video games to digital satellite systems will be considered CP. The group of writers creating SF in the 1980's has created a new movement based on their works, bearing the same name. Works Cited Cadigan, Pat. "Rock On." ." Mirrorshades : The Cyberpunk Anthology. Ed. Bruce Sterling. New York: Ace Books, 1986. 34-42. Elmer-Dewitt, Philip. "Cyberpunk." Time. 8 Feb. 1993: 58 - 65. Maddox, Tom. "Snake-Eyes." Mirrorshades : The Cyberpunk Anthology. Ed. Bruce Sterling. New York: Ace Books, 1986. 12-33. Sterling, Bruce. "Cyberpunk in the Nineties." Writing About Cyberpunk. Ed. Tonya Browning. Austin: Abel's Copies, 1995. 3-6. The Confusion Over Cyberpunk Essay -- Science Fiction Technology Essay The Confusion Over Cyberpunk What the media associates with cyberpunk does not agree with the commonly accepted interpretation of the movement. The cyberpunk writers' philosophies of a bleak future, caused by the marriage of technical and human abilities, have been lost due to the acceptance of the underground movement. Whenever anyone looks at the newborn information age, one can not help but attach a "cyber" label to it. When anyone mentions the Internet or the World Wide Web, the only word that comes to mind is "cyberspace." Even though our networks are not synonymous with the "cyberspace" created by William Gibson in Neuromancer, the term is now being used to describe any virtual computer environment. It seems that the current acceptance of computers has started a revolution in which man is becoming dependent upon machines. Where can you go without having access to a television or telephone? The widespread use of microprocessors and the data stored on them have created a new medium for artists to demonstrate their abilities. One problem this computer revolution creates is that it is often confused with cyberpunk fiction. On February 8, 1993, Time magazine published an article defining and clarifying questions of the cyberpunk movement. The conventionalization of cyberpunk (CP for short) has succeeded in removing the ideals and philosophies once associated with it. Rudy Rucker states that CP is "simply the fusion of humans and machines (Elmer-Dewitt 59)." However, CP is about much more than that: it is about the struggle between man and its creation, the probing of the human soul, and the rebellion against tradition. CP started as a group of writers eager to oppose conventional beliefs and writing styles. The movement ... ...ment alone opposes the fact that the CP movement is countercultural and always stands away from the mainstream. The newly formed definition is rapidly replacing the true CP movement. Eventually, all interactive technologies ranging from video games to digital satellite systems will be considered CP. The group of writers creating SF in the 1980's has created a new movement based on their works, bearing the same name. Works Cited Cadigan, Pat. "Rock On." ." Mirrorshades : The Cyberpunk Anthology. Ed. Bruce Sterling. New York: Ace Books, 1986. 34-42. Elmer-Dewitt, Philip. "Cyberpunk." Time. 8 Feb. 1993: 58 - 65. Maddox, Tom. "Snake-Eyes." Mirrorshades : The Cyberpunk Anthology. Ed. Bruce Sterling. New York: Ace Books, 1986. 12-33. Sterling, Bruce. "Cyberpunk in the Nineties." Writing About Cyberpunk. Ed. Tonya Browning. Austin: Abel's Copies, 1995. 3-6.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Paraguay Essay
Mushfika Chowdhury Ms. Vives Spanish Paraguay Paraguay is a country in South America. It is surrounded by Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia. Most people know Paraguay as Paraguay, but the country s official name is Republic of Paraguay. In 2011 it has said that Paraguay has approximately a population of 6,568,290. Most people are living in the oriental region. The country’s official language is Spanish as well as Guarani. The oriental eastern region has hills, waterfalls, exotic plants and the forest.This region makes up 40 percent of Paraguay. This part of Paraguay receives a large amount of rainfall. The region known as occidental also known as Chaco, is made up of grass, course tropical reeds and stunned trees. Some of Paraguay’s natural resources include forest soil, minerals, and the rivers. The rivers are important because tis how most people in Paraguay communicate, it also provides fish. The main industry is farming livestock, cotton, cane, corn, soybeans, potatoe s, bananas, oranges, wheat, beans, tea and tobacco. That was the farming and food recourses of Paraguay.When it comes to the government and money there’s not that many similarities. Some of you may or may not know that the former president of Paraguay was Fernando Lugo (2008-2012). It wasn’t that many days ago that a new president for Paraguay was elected, his name is Mr. Franco. The currency used in Paraguay is Guarani. One dollar in the United States is 4,095. 58 Guarani. One Paraguay Guarani equals to 0. 0002442 cents in the U. S. You also might be wondering what type of government Paraguay has. Well its constitutional republic. I would also recommend you taking a camera if you ever go there, the sites and scenery is breathtaking.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Indias Socio Economic Scenario Health And Social Care Essay
Equally far as India ‘s socio-economic scenario is concerned, four socio-economic scenarios were developed for India, in line with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change counsel, for usage with the clime scenarios and for input to the mold of clime impacts on different sectors ( International Institute for Population Sciences & A ; ORC Macro 2001 ) . The socio-economic scenarios for India are consistent with national growing programs in the short and average term. Policy way and societal values are the two dimensions on which the socio-economic model of India is based on. In which, policy orientation can be either inward looking or globally incorporate and societal values focus on either economic growing or environmental consciousness. Mahal, A. , J. Singh ( 2000 ) further explains it stating ‘the alternate waies along the policy axis correspond to India ‘s degree of integrating on planetary policy issues and models for back uping development. Quadrants I and II reflect a more inward-looking attack to planetary policies and pacts, coupled with bid and control-style policies for ordinance at a domestic degree. Quadrants III and IV reflect stronger integrating with the planetary community, and a displacement towards market-based mechanisms as a footing for ordinance and economic growing. The societal values axis reflects the scope of possibilities from a pure focal point on economic growing, to emphasis on environmental and societal protection. Quadrants I and III correspond to activities that promote economic and industrial development, along with stronger engagement by the private sector in traditionally public sector activities. Quadrants II and IV, by contrast, reflect societal values that place a higher concern for societal and environmental issues above economic growing ‘ . However, S.C. Tiwari, Aditya Kumar and Ambrish Kumar ( 2004 ) stated that the normally used available graduated tables for measuring of socio-economic position ( SES ) with some cross regional pertinence are old and have lost their relevancy. There is a demand for the development of a valid and dependable instrument for measuring of SES in rural and urban communities in India. On appropriate and executable steps, the socio-economic position is assessed on the inactive and dynamic status of physical infrastructure- by the Numberss of paramedical, technician and medical staff employed, every bit good as figures for attending and gender dislocation ; by the supply, quality and scope of drugs ; by handiness and use of decentralized unfastened and care support of centres ; and by existent handiness of research lab, diagnostic and service facilities- in relation to the patient satisfaction ( Kaveri Gill 2009 ) . In Indian conditions the rural wellness attention has been put steadfastly on the docket and is on the right path with the institutional alterations it has wrought within the wellness system. Health is a cosmopolitan human demand for all cultural groups. General wellness can non be attained or maintained without unwritten wellness. The oral cavity is regarded as the mirror of the organic structure and the gate manner of good wellness ( Navneet Grewal and Manpreeth Kaur 2007 ) . The influences of the urbanisation and the modern nutrient wonts have surely made the Indian population at par with the universe population, but still Mayer. MP, De Paiva Buishchi and Oliveira LB ( 2003 ) claimed that the unwritten hygienic patterns of the Indian Population have non changed much with the altering times and tendencies. Where as, the universe population is more cognizant of the regular visit to the tooth doctor, chiefly, because it was initiated by the parents of the kids or, even by, the tooth doctors themselves. Such an from the portion of the parents is losing among the people of India, and a thought arousing action from the dental practicians or professionals is yet to take topog raphic point. Oral wellness position in India is traditionally evaluated utilizing clinical indices. There is turning involvement to cognize how subjective steps relate to results of unwritten wellness ( Jamil David, Anne M Astrome and Nina J Wang 2006 ) . Several subjective unwritten wellness indexs have been developed to measure functional, societal and psychological unwritten wellness results runing from individual point planetary indexs, such as satisfaction with unwritten wellness and satisfaction with visual aspect of dentitions, to complex stock lists and hiting systems ( Skaret E, Astrom AN and Haugejorden O 2004 ) . In the societal conditions of India minimal significance is given to the visual aspect factor in the rural conservative communities. Even so, since long clip, assorted types of unwritten wellness care stuffs have been used and infinite Numberss of dental wellness information plans have been conducted in schools and other scenes ( Kagami. N, Maki. Y and Takaesu. Y 1997 ) . Here Kagami. et. Al is speaking about a universe phenomena that has been progressively found in the universe population. This is where in footings of unwritten wellness wonts and modus operandis Indian mass should hold taken much involvement in at that place bettering socio economic position. The importance of measuring the socio economic position was put away by Whiteside, K. and Woolcock, M. ( 2004 ) , stating, ‘Socio-economic position is one of the most of import variables in societal scientific discipline studies/researches. It plays a important function in planning and executing of developmental plans and, hence, there is a demand for the development of a valid and dependable instrument for the measuring of SES. Socio-economic position of a household would intend the ranking of the household in the surroundings to which the household belongs, in regard of defined variables namely, physical assets, economic position, instruction, business, societal place, societal engagement, caste, musculus power, political influence, etc. Some elements of the above variables have a inclination to travel together ‘ .Socio economic inequalities in the usage of unwritten wellness attention services in IndiaIndia is the 2nd largest thickly settled state in the universe, with a population of more than one billion in 2001. Socioeconomic, demographic and wellness indexs are demoing a really hapless status of the general population. It has been observed that people of lower socioeconomic position frequently do non avail the bing generative wellness attention services, peculiarly unwritten wellness attention service. Both socioeconomic and demographic factors, nevertheless, have been shown to hold a peculiarly great influence on usage of wellness attention services ( Bhatia J and Cleland J. 1995 ) . Higher instruction degrees influence the usage of wellness services in many ways such as regular visit to the tooth doctor and so on, among the urban population of the society. Even so merely like in many southeasterly civilizations the ( Goodburn EA, Gazi R, & A ; Chowdhury M. 1995 ) the usage of preventative wellness services even in the field of unwritten wellness service is perceived to be bing entirely on healing intents ( Poula G & A ; Stephenson R. 2001 ) . Measuring the socio economic position in relation to unwritten wellness factors is, in fact, a hunt from general wellness to wellbeing. Equally far as the assorted civilizations of India is concerned the unwritten wellness factor of Indian population include three major facets Such as: A ) Health System and Oral wellness services B ) Socio-economic and cultural hazard factors C ) Environmental hazard factors. It is of import to retrieve the fact that Indian community has been loosely divided into tribal, rural and urban societies ( Dr. Judith Macky and Dr. Michel Eriksen 1995 ) . The folk in India live in pronounced isolation. They have really typical civilization rites and accustomed hygienic activities and wellness attention. They are evidently considered to be socio-economically backward in many steps in the modern-day universe. The rural societies are village societies which are in fact based on agricultural economic system and are still really conservative to the past traditions . And the urban society is based on non-agricultural businesss such as industries, IT and so on. However the interaction between the different groups of the society to certain degree is made possible through many authorities organisational plans ( Lal S, Singh BM & A ; Punia MS.1997 ) . Traveling about with the intent of developing a dependable and valid instrument for mensurating the socio-economic position one has to get down the exercising of grouping the items/elements together with the aid of available experts ( Oral wellness workers and tooth doctors ) every bit good as available standard socio-economic position appraisal graduated tables. Socio-economic position of a household would intend the ranking of the household in the surroundings to which the household belongs, in regard of defined variables such as physical assets, economic position, instruction, business, societal place, societal engagement, caste, musculus power, political influence and so on. ‘Some elements of the above variables have a inclination to travel together ‘ ( Shirpurkar GRI. 1967 ) .Formulation of appraisal methodsAt initial phase, some known indexs of socio-economic position such as house, material ownership, instruction, business, income, land, caste and societal engageme nt were listed. The prepared list of socio-economic position indexs would be submitted to experts to analyse and notice on the relevance of those indexs in the present context ( Srivastava GP. 1978 ) . Then a profile should be geared up out of the elements approved by the expert, look intoing along with another factors in the profile is the unwritten wellness attention necks and plans with their scope of influence and credence by/in different communities and societies among the population. Therefore, the first bill of exchange will hold seven to eight profiles make up one's minding the socio-economic position. These profiles will be house profile, material ownership profile, instruction profile, business profile, economic profile, cultivated land profile, and societal profile and wellness attention service profile. The last profile can be divided into preventative and curableness steps. The disposal of these bill of exchanges among the people will give an accurate appraisal of the s ocio-economic position. After the disposal and re-administration the bill of exchanges needs to be send to the experts for the concluding analysis.Addressing the Validity of methods at big and among Indian PopulationThe graduated tables of measuring socio-economic position in every community are prone to alter due to the dynamism of human being. Most of the bing graduated tables seem to hold lost this ability to spot right indices are still in usage. The indicant here is mensurating the socio economic position harmonizing to the wellness and wellness attention issues of an person or a household. The chief short coming seems to be the perceptual experience of goodness and satisfaction people have about the wellness and wellness satisfaction is changed with clip and the methods need to be upgraded consequently. It is, hence, necessary that necessary inventiveness is brought to bear to develop appropriate graduated table for the measuring of socio-economic position ( Depleuch, F. , A. Cornu, P. Massamba, P. Trissac and B. Marie. 2002 ) Equally far as India is concerned most of import resource of the state is its 1027 million population ( 2001 nose count ) , distributed in 28 States, 7 Union Territories, 5564, tehsils/talukas, 640,000 small towns and 5161 towns and metropoliss ( Ashish Bose. 2001 ) . Oral wellness attention of necessity has to be delivered through primary wellness attention substructure, because of limited resources and manpower of tooth doctors. More than 70 % of the population is rural and merely about 30 % lives in urban countries of which more than half lives in slums. ‘Tertiary degree infirmaries, territory infirmaries, nursing places, private practicians and non governmental organisations provide wellness services. Besides these, municipal corporations besides provide services ; nevertheless, these services are ill organized. Urban ICDS undertakings provide services on geographical footing. Health policy 2002 envisages beef uping of urban wellness services. RCH urban undertakings have be en launched to increase the coverage of wellness services for vulnerable. Variable dental wellness services in urban countries are available-through public and private set up ‘ . ( Dr. Hari Parkash and Dr. Naseem Ahmed. 2001 ) . There is an pressing demand for an Oral Health Policy for the state as an built-in portion of the National Health Policy. The Indian diary of community medical specialty 2004 has proposed an Oral Health Care Program, which envisages three tined execution schemes of ; Oral Health Education, Preventive Program and Curative Service Program at assorted degrees of primary, secondary and third wellness attention bringing services. Oral wellness has been recognized as an built-in portion of general wellness. What people do with their lives and those of their kids affects their wellness, including unwritten wellness, far more than anything that authoritiess do. But what they can make is determined by their income and cognition based on their socio-economic pos ition. Over the old ages grounds based â€Å" Information †on unwritten wellness has accumulated in the state but this is mostly confined to dental clinics, infirmaries and a few schools. The challenge is to set the available information into pattern at every home/family and community. It is the information which can promote/improve the unwritten wellness of 1000000s of immature kids, school kids, striplings and grownups as besides pregnant adult females and aged people, provided it gets communicated. Therefore, the biggest challenge before us is to accept the challenge of communicating of â€Å" facts for unwritten wellness †to all ; in rural, urban and tribal and distant countries. ‘Hygiene is embedded in Indian civilization and it is the manner of life. Let us advance autochthonal clip tested patterns, of rinsing oral cavity with apparent H2O after each repast, rub downing gums and dentitions and cleaning oral cavity with finger after each repast, advancing traditional diets, brushing of dentitions, avoiding smoke, masticating pans and baccy in assorted signifiers ‘ ( Bali RK, Mathur VB, Tewari A and Jayna P. 1994 ) . Much will depend upon local attempts, as to how the instructors are trained and what responsibilities they take up on regular and sustained footing? Students follow what the instructors do and state and the instructors are considered as good function theoretical accounts to convey values of life and ways of life in the school as besides outside the school. Regularly one hr is devoted in each school for socially utile and productive work and that hr can be used for larning right brushing technique and rinsing the unwritten pit with safe H2O, as besides rinsing of custodies and film editing of nails. In our experience, whenever instructors brushed their dentitions, pupils followed and it became a everyday exercising of day-to-day brushing of dentitions in guided mode. Determining ways of life and personality developme nt of school kids during simple instruction is the cardinal duty of school instructors and parents as besides the community. Mid twenty-four hours meal plan activities can be used as spring board to develop other behaviours such as lavation of custodies and rinse of unwritten pit after each repast, eating balanced diets, imbibing clean H2O and eating clean nutrient. School kids can be used as embassadors of wellness messages to their places and vicinity and can move as alteration agents. Child to child plan in the school or out of school is yet another attack to construct healthy life manners. Whatever chapters are contained in the school course of study these need to be translated into seeable actions through unrecorded presentation. Students need to be demonstrated rinsing and oral cavity wash after repast, demo them the content of oral cavity wash and allow them respond and take part in treatment and range to decision ( Gupta SC & A ; Kapoor VK. 2002 ) .
Analysis of “Eleven†by Cisneros Essay
Poet Maya Angelo aptly stated, â€Å"I am convinced that most people do not grow up†¦ We carry accumulation of years in our bodies, and on our faces, but generally our real selves, the children inside, are innocent and shy as magnolias. †Similarly, Sandra Cisneros’s â€Å"Eleven†illuminates the enigmatic journey of growing up through the sagacious eyes of an eleven year old child. As the speaker of this work asserts, the aging process does not eradicate a person’s previous self. Instead, it accumulates layers of one’s former years and creates a realistic portrait of one’s complete existence. Cisneros’s work illustrates mankind’s maddening, internal struggle as it ages in this manner. When life demands maturity, one inadvertently becomes the sobbing three year old, the introverted adolescent, or the awkward teen of one’s past. The speaker of this literary work, Rachel, embodies this frustrating process of growing up. Undoubtedly, Cisneros employs similes, repetition, and imagery as well as symbols and diction to characterize Rachel as she matures. The similes, repetition, and imagery utilized throughout â€Å"Eleven†vividly portray the speaker. For example, Cisneros illuminates Rachel’s development with the following comparisons: â€Å"Growing old is kind of like an onion or like the rings inside a tree trunk or like my little wooden dolls that fit one inside the other. †This illustrates the way in which each of Rachel’s years develops atop the prior one. As a result, she remains the quiet four year old who cannot express that the sweater does not belong to her and the three year-old who desperately wants to release a flood of tears as she is forced to wear the horrid red garment. Additionally, Cisneros characterizes Rachel as a child â€Å"with only eleven years rattling inside [her] like pennies in a Band-Aid box. †The randomness and disorder of loose change as it jiggles in its container mirrors Rachel’s internal turmoil. Each of the speaker’s eleven years metaphorically clatter inside her mind and struggle to become the master of her actions. Furthermore, the repetition of critical phrases contributes to Rachel’s characterization. Cisneros restates the numbers, â€Å"ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and one†¦. †, to reiterate the concept that all of Rachel’s previous ten years remain a part of her. Interestingly, counting backwards from ten, a common juvenile chant, successfully demonstrates Rachel’s childlike character. Additionally, the repetition of the phrase â€Å"today I am eleven†reveals Rachel’s vehement desire to suppress the previous years of her youth which embody a maddening immaturity. However, the speaker’s resolute, repetitive assertion that she is eleven highlights Rachel’s struggle to remind herself that she is transitioning into her eleventh year. Thus, her apparently juvenile behavior illustrates that Rachel is a culmination of each of her prior years. In addition, the repetition of the phrase â€Å"not mine†further illuminates Rachel’s inner toddler years. Finally, Cisneros use of imagery vividly depicts Rachel. For example, she describes her with the following vibrant lines: â€Å"My face all hot and spit coming out of my mouth because I can’t stop making those little animal noises, my whole head hurts like when you drink milk too fast. †This creates the portrait of the teary-eyed, red-faced Rachel and connects to the reader’s senses of touch, sight, taste, and hearing. Hence, literary devices masterfully demonstrate Rachel’s character throughout â€Å"Eleven. †Moreover, Cisneros employs symbols and diction to aptly characterize Rachel. First, the red sweater serves as a crucial symbol in this work of prose. Essentially, this contemptible garment embodies the previous years that remain within Rachel. Cisneros writes the following description of this repulsive sweater: â€Å"It’s an ugly sweater†¦with the collar and sleeves all stretched out like you could use it as a jump-rope. †In addition, the speaker cringes as she places one arm â€Å"through one sleeve of the sweater that smells like cottage cheese. †As Rachel glares at this symbolic garb, its sleeves evidently illustrate the eight or nine year old child within her who enjoyed the puerile pastime of jumping rope. Additionally, the cottage cheese stench of this garment is reminiscent of the peculiar scents that a younger child may often carry. Furthermore, as she shoves the sweater to the â€Å"tippy-tip corner†of her desk, it hangs â€Å"over the edge like a waterfall. †As this expression demonstrates, Rachel’s emotions spill from her just as the significant red garment tumbles from the desk. Moreover, the age of eleven is a symbolic element throughout the author’s short story. This age is typically regarded as a frustrating period positioned between the adolescent and teen years. Similarly, Rachel remains trapped between the maturity of her eleventh year and the juvenility of her previous self. For example, Rachel’s eleven year old mind recognizes the blatant injustice of Mrs. Price’s actions who forces her to accept the contemptible red sweater. However, as Rachel opens her mouth, her four year old self stutters an ineffective denial. In addition, the diction of this work contributes to the author’s portrayal of Rachel. Cisneros writes in the simple speech of a young girl. For instance, Rachel utilizes run-on sentences and childlike phrases such as â€Å"not mine,†â€Å"tippy-tip,†â€Å"all itchy,†and â€Å"that stupid Phyllis Lopez. †This deliberate style reminds the reader that Rachel is a little girl despite her wish to be â€Å"one hundred and two. †Also, â€Å"one hundred and two†exhibits typical childish exaggeration. Additionally, the author’s diction allows readers to experience thisgh situation from the perspective of an eleven year old. For instance, Cisneros describes Rachel’s indignation with the following lines: â€Å"That stupid Phyllis Lopez, who is even dumber than Sylvia Saldivar, says she remembers the red sweater is hers. I take it off right away and give it to her, only Mrs. Price pretends like everything’s okay. †This amplification of the incident allows readers to grasp the traumatic impact of this event on Rachel. Therefore, the symbols and diction of â€Å"Eleven†aptly depict Rachel’s character. Unquestionably, literary devices such as similes, repetition, imagery, symbols, and diction deftly contribute to the characterization of Rachel. Cisneros draws an enlightening parallel between development and the formation of layers within an onion or tree. Additionally, the repetition of childlike phrases such as â€Å"not mine†demonstrates that each of Rachel’s prior years remains within her as she matures. Also, the brilliant imagery of this literary work solidifies the reader’s visualization of Rachel. Moreover, the symbolic red sweater as well as the age of eleven further corroborates this central message. Finally, the puerile diction of this writing masterfully allows readers to comprehend the conflict that Rachel experiences in the tween year of eleven. Certainly, Cisneros effectively illustrates Rachel’s disillusionment as she realizes that she can neither make her voice be heard nor silence her childlike instincts at age eleven.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Jazz Concert Reflection Essay
Jazz is a musical style that began in African American communities in the southern United States around the beginning of the twentieth century. It was a new style of music that brought together music traditions from West Africa and Europe. Some of its West African musical influences give jazz its unique sound. Jazz has many different elements, which are improvisations, swinging, using blue notes, and combining different rhythms. I attended The Bill and Helen Murray Jazz Residency Program featured Ellery Eskelin on the Saxophone with Susan Acorn on the pedal steel guitar and Michael Formanek on the acoustic bass and The Towson University Jazz Faculty Ensemble Featuring Dave Balloy on the trumpet, flugelhorn, and piccolo trumpet, Jim Mc falls on the trombone and baritone, Tim Murphy on the piano, Jeff Reed on the bass and last but not least, Frank Russo on the drums and cymbals. At each concert about four songs were performed. The musical elements in both performances that classify the music I heard as jazz were the swing rhythms and improvisations. The Jazz Residency Program was based on improvisations. Each player at this concert; had the ability to instantaneously compose, revise and perform their parts amazingly. As Ellery played the Sax, Susan and Michael played their instrument spontaneously creating fresh melodies. At the Jazz Faculty ensemble, the musicians played songs that were previously written. Their musical styles were mostly bebop and swing with lots of call and respond. Jim Mc falls would play his trombone and all group members would follow after him. The song â€Å"Moodly†sounded like bebop, because there were a lot of bass drum bombs and tonal clashes. â€Å"Marsch der freien Sound Fur Funf Instrumente†was also a bebop song that was played with extended harmonies and tonal clashes. Some of the non-traditional jazz elements that I heard were played at both of the Jazz Concerts. Susan Acorn played the pedal steel guitar, which I found to be a non-traditional element. The sound was completely different from what I had ever heard before. At the Jazz Faculty Ensemble, Dave Ballou played the Piccolo Trumpet for the last piece â€Å"Conversion†. The high-pitched sound made the song slur and blend with soft melodies. Listening to each concert, gave me two totally different experiences. The Jazz Residency concert was all improvisations, so it didn’t remind me of any of the music I had heard before. The Jazz Faculty ensemble was a reminder of music styles like Art Tatum, John Coltrane, and Duke Ellington. When they played Hamster in a bucket it’s reminded me of â€Å"In a Mellotone†by Duke Ellinton. Then Dave Ballou played the trumpet in the song â€Å"Cry Baby†like Miles Davis played the trumpet in the song â€Å"So What†. In conclusion, the quality of both performances was outstanding. Each performance was completely different and that’s what I loved. The jazz residency program was completely improvised, leaving me opened and surprised at every note each player chose to play. The Jazz Faculty Ensemble’s songs had a distinctive vibe. They made the sounds of their music come together and I felt the rhythm. I would defiantly pay to see each performance again. I left the concerts smiling, because I felt as if I knew exactly what they were trying to accomplish with their music. The two ensembles I attended featured some of the most talented musicians I ever heard performing at Towson University.
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Trade-Off Theory of Capital Structure Coursework
The Trade-Off Theory of Capital Structure - Coursework Example According to Pacific Daily News (2014), the recent GPA successfully sold $76.47 million of revenue bonds The concept of dividend signaling asserts that the announcement of dividend payments by a company contributes positively to the future prospects of the company. The announcement of a rise in dividend payout helps to solidify the prospects in the market and improves the image of the company in lieu of growth prospects and stability in the future. How much will a firm receive in net funding from a firm commitment underwriting of 250, 000 shares priced to the public at $40 if a 10% underwriting spread has been added to the price paid by the underwriter? Additionally, the firm pays $600, 000 in legal fees According to Baker (2005), underwriter spread fall in the category of direct expenses whilst management fees such as legal feels falls with the indirect issuance expenses. Hence, $1.9 million becomes the direct expenses and $1.65 million become the indirect expense for the issuer. In economics, the value of the firm is linked to profit maximization; as a result, the value of the firm is the present value of the firm’s current and future profits. In finance to determine the present value of a firm, the present income is multiplied by five. Hence, the present value of ABC is operating incomeX5.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Political Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Political - Assignment Example Defending his action, President Obama, said that the house of congress had refused to bring to vote the Bipartisan Immigration Bill that would ‘legally’ address the issue of immigration in the United States. He dared the republicans to bring the bill to the floor of congress and pass it; which is after passing in the senate in 2013 has stagnated in the congress (Knowlton 1). The republicans were quick to point out that President Obama was acting unconstitutionally and was using his executive powers in allowing undocumented immigrants to remain in the country without the threat of being deported. They continued to accuse the president of â€Å"damaging the presidency†by abusing the office’ power. By using executive powers, they claimed, that he was destroying the legal system of passing the Bipartisan Bill. In response, President Obama, together with his democratic sympathizers, majority of who were lawmakers released a letter with 10 scholarly views on the legality of the executive order the president issued. The scholars, in the letter, insisted that the president had not gone beyond the powers of his office. Maricopa County’s Sherriff, Mr. Joe Arpaio, filed a suit in the federal district court challenging President Obama’s order and power to execute such a directive. In his suit, the Sherriff wanted the Court to guide the President on how to act ‘accordingly’ and obey the United States constitution. Elsewhere, Scott Pruitt, the Attorney General of Oklahoma, stated that president Obama’s order was â€Å"ill-advised, unworkable, unlawful and brazenly political†. The republicans continued to accuse the president of pitting them against the Hispanic community, as they formed the majority of the house of congress. The republicans were keen in their utterances in order to avoid the party’s standing with Latino voters, who have become the fastest growing minority voters. They know that their
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Personal Development Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Personal Development Planning - Essay Example Training in the medical field is challenging learning process and requires perseverance, desire and passion to help the society (Heller, 2009). Specialties in the medical field usually take duration from 3 to 6 years of study depending on the field of specialization. Basically it takes an approximate of 12 years to start practicing medicine from the year of joining college. Studying in a medical requires some intelligence in the way one study in order to finally achieve an undergraduate degree. The basic requirement for one to achieve in the medical field is the passion. One should have the passion to learn more, curious in achieving knowledge in the medical field and the desire to have a hand in helping the society (Heller, 2009). The performance in science related studies can be used to gauge the ability to succeed in medical field. Though the science plays an important role in decision to take concerning the medical career, excellent performance in science is not usually a guarant ee to success in medicine (Heller, 2009). It is usually necessary to be strong in science and also have a good relationship with people. Basically being a physicist is taking the task of assisting others. To begin with, the feeling of helping others attributes a good character of becoming a physicist (Heller, 2009). The medical field is broad and involves handling patients in various capacities and in diverse categories. It ranges from specializing in research, practicing in the field and educating doctor. Depending on the course taken, becoming a physicist is always treated with high esteem and honor in the society. Taking a physicist career may guarantee a job security because in an unfortunate event, there is always a tendency of illness to occur. Joining the doctors’ career in a university is highly competitive. The places in medical school are scarce therefore universities would always revise the minimum requirement every year depending on the demand. The career structur e also changes with time (Green, 2009). Basically the profession requires a huge motivation for a person to successfully complete a university course and become a doctor. A typical medical training would take a minimum of 5 years training as student, internship and practice till becoming a full doctor would amount to seven years. Taking medicine as a second career A choice of becoming a full doctor may not be the first choice however a decision to join the career may come later in after achieving in the first choice career. Generally the probability of being considered may be even higher than the fresh candidates joining a career for the first time. Basically this is because of the composure and the ability to properly answer the interview questions gained in the other field. Joining a bachelors degree in medicine The choice of the degree mainly depends on the performance in courses related to physics, chemistry and biology. Basically a year study on these subjects determines the me dical school to join. Usually the studying medicine requires the highest grades in these subjects (Green, 2009). In order to increase knowledge in the field, it is always advisable to take a volunteer work in healthcare activities that would enhance understanding on the field. Higher grades in sciences and at least a qualification of 3.3 in GPA enhance the chances. Application process When applying for the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
The Basis for Proper Gender Relations among Jews and in Judaism Essay - 6
The Basis for Proper Gender Relations among Jews and in Judaism - Essay Example The origin of God: Judaism stands on a firm monotheism and faith in one single and inseparable God and they believe that His unity started a long time in their Jewish traditions. They believe that He is the creator of the cosmos and all that the world has .due to this they came to build proper gender relation because they are both (male and female) created in the image and likeness of God (Bleich 23). The scripture also stands out has the key basis for proper gender and relations and this because the Hebrew Bible sometimes called the Tanakh is the Jewish scriptural canon and essential source of Jewish regulation because all the ethical and proper commands of the teachers of the law are found in it. The scripture teaches people to relate well to others and it forbids discrimination. Reward and punishment also stand to be the basis of proper gender relation. Jewish outlook is that God will recompense those who adhere to His commandments and discipline those who deliberately disobey them.
Monday, September 9, 2019
Gender Inequality in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Gender Inequality in the United States - Essay Example More than 50 percent law graduates are women but less than 25 percent are law firm partners. Women gets more than 70 percent of masters, doctoral and professional degrees collectively but holds less than 20 percent of full time positions as university professors. US is ranked 85th in the world on the basis of share women hold in national legislative body. Only 9 percent of the largest cities in US have female mayors. He further mentions with grief that out of 500 fortune companies more than 25 percent had no female executive officers. Even in the film industry only one out of 4 female nominations for the best director won the Oscar, whereas; 77 percent of Oscars were gone to men. Williams further highlighted women as higher scorers on the scale of various leadership traits designed by Pew Center study, Social and Demographic Survey. In his view; despite of better grades, traits, potential and creativity the conditions of women are diminishing day by day in every industry and sector o f US. Pozner’s View Jennifer Pozner, founder of Women in Media and News, is a feminist who has channelized all her education, expertise and energy in enlightening the status of women especially in media. She is of the view that; women are treated as â€Å"second class citizens†in TV channels. ... eep trenches settled by male dominated society, though women have gained a humongous visibility in the media but still they lack those decision making positions which enjoy the authority of crafting people’s mind. Pozner said; â€Å"Control of the media is the single most important issue of our time, the corporate-controlled media shape and inform our collective ideas about people, politics, and public policy, the corporate-dominated mass media are the key to why our fast-moving culture is so slow to change, stereotypes are so persistent, and the power structure is so entrenched†Pozner believes that Media has the power to change minds and attitudes bus since the decision making power resides within the masculine community thus; males decide what to inject in the minds of people. The vibrant visibility of females in the news room of TV channels and increased female reporters and correspondent corps is a buzz view created to portray that there exist no ceilings for women and women are given equivalence in all the industries and sectors. To Pozner, media world is a â€Å"big lie†and it is spreading a false feminist death syndrome by creating an impression that women are getting what they deserve to get which is unfortunately not the case. Russo’s View Russo said in his speech; â€Å"We're so busy putting out fires right now, that we don't have the time to talk to each other and strategize and plan for the next wave, and the next day, and next month and the next week and the next year. And, we're going to have to find the time to do that in the next few months. And, we have to commit ourselves to doing that. And then, after we kick the shit out of this disease, we're all going to be alive to kick the shit out of this system, so that this never happens again.†According
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Nutrition and fitness (answer the questions) Essay - 1
Nutrition and fitness (answer the questions) - Essay Example Unlike in dynamic exercise, which is performed under a range of motions, isometric exercise is done in static positions. Isometric exercise is more suitable to people who are immobilized and can be performed unsupervised while on the other hand dynamic exercises are more vigorous and one may require supervision as they pose a greater risk. A lot of energy is consumed because of the many motions involved in dynamic exercises. As the rate of breathing is gradually increased, more oxygen is consumed. Blood pressure varies significantly during the day as the body is exposed to different exercise. An isometric exercise leads to increased heart rate, systolic and diastolic, therefore, not advised to persons suffering from hypertension. A physical unit of work is estimated differently in both dynamic and isometric exercises. The duration of time under which a muscle is exposed to tension is used to measure the intensity of isometric exercise, in dynamic exercises the distance the mass is moved plays a significant role. Dynamic exercises also involve strength training which has great impacts in muscle building viability of connective tissues and the general wellbeing of the body. Isometric exercise on the other had does very little in muscle training but helps maintain the muscles. Physiologically a person who undertakes dynamic exercises regularly has the lowest risk to heart attack as the body burns large amounts of cholesterol during the exercise. During the dynamic exercises for instance jogging, the body’s rate of metabolism increases above normal and this leads to sweating and panting due to increased heart rates.The constriction of the blood vessels and arteries is the main reason of increased blood pressure during both the isometric and dynamic exercises. The cardiovascular system responds in a complicated manner to dynamic exercises. It adjusts appropriately to keep the brain and the rest of the body parts supplied with blood. The ways in which
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Financial collapse Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial collapse - Essay Example Prior to the crises ,about half of the overall capital inflow to developing countries was directed towards Asia. This was precipitated by high interest rates that made these economies attractive to foreign investors with attendant increase in asset prices. the economies of Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand particularly experienced high growth rates of between 8 and 12 per cent in the late 1980's and early 1990's.This feat was lauded far and near by economic institution of repute the IMF and World Bank Inclusive. One of the reasons advanced for these crises was recovery of the U.S economy from a recession it had suffered in the early 1990's.To checkmate inflation ,the U.S through its federal reserve bank at the time began to raise interest rates. This move naturally attracted lots of investors to the detriment of the fledging Asian economies. This move also grew the value of the dollar against which the currencies of these economies were pegged .This caused a slow down in the export activities of the Asian economies as it became less competitive. Malaysia witnessed a transition from its traditional mining and agriculture driven economy to manufacturing in the 1970's with assistance coming from Japan and western countries .The result of this was the establishment of heavy industries that became the economic driving force with concentration on exportation .There had been fluctuations in the country's current GDP per capita over time that rose to 59% in the 1990's courtesy of the export-oriented industries .However following the massive pull-out of capital by foreign investors in 1997.A chain reaction was set-off that caused major changes within the economy, particularly the substantial depreciation of the country's currency-the Ringgit from its MYR2.50 per USD to levels of up to MYR4.80 per USD,loosing about half its value within the period. The composite index of the country's market fell drastically within a few weeks. There was a 7.5% drop in GDP in 1998.The government responded by pegging the ringgit at MYR3.80 per USD.Whi le also implementing a capital control regime. Unlike its Asian neighbours Indonesia ,Thailand and other Malaysia rejected a relief package in the form of economic aid from International Monetary Fund(IMF) because of the attached austere lending conditions .This singular act differentiated Malaysia and the rest of its Asian neighbors in the sense that the rest of its neighbours were affected to a larger degree than Malaysia .Furthermore in the quest to revive the economy, the government kept injecting funds into it which resulted in budget deficit for a number of years, in addition it has maintained a low interest rate policy through the country's central bank. In terms of the its post-crises economy, it has enjoyed a faster economic recovery compared to its neighbours ,with a strong exports sector with the United States as its principal trade and investment partner. In 1999 the country's GDP grew by 5.6% with analyst predicting an 8% -and- above growth for the year 2000.A managed f loating system
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